Monday, October 24, 2011


Alright, here's another blog of me. i'm Veren by the way, i owned  i created this blog for my school project. yeah, sounds lame, but whatever right? lol. 

so, this time i'm gonna tell you a little bit of something about my school which is 31 Senior High School. the building is kinda big for an average school size. it is actually the largest school in East Jakarta area, and all the students, teachers and staff here is so proud to be a part of this school☺
i'm an eleventh grader. i study Science and stuff.
right now, i'm in a class of eleven science two and i love to be a part of this class because the students and trhe teachers are so incredibly fun and nice. and my class's name is ZWICE. (well, i gave that name, with an idea from my friend. so just our thoughts-_-) hell yeah! hahaha
the formteacher of my class is Mrs. Kiki and she really is a kind person, she teaches physics. my deskmate in the class is Nadya Maharani. My closest friends in the class is probably Michael, Distya, Rizky, Indra, Farhan, Awalia, and the duo Nadya^^ but you know, still everybody is my friends.

it kinda stressful being in a science class and to be perfectly honest i really am stressed out and struggling right now. i cant stop worrying about the assignments, projects and let alone the fact that the homeworks is never absent from any day-_____- but you know, this is what i want, and i love studying about chemical and biology and stuff so i'm trying to enjoy every single day that i spent in this science class. thank god, the friends and the teachers are so supporting and friendly, and that really what makes everything is so worth it☺
but, for all the teachers, please for god sake, give me one day off from homeworks!>< hehehehe 


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